The COVID-19 lockdown and months-long social distancing requirements have forced us to stay home and take inventory of our lives. For many, that’s led to a focus on family and family building. Doctors at the Center for Advanced Reproductive Services in Farmington have seen that focus on family play out in real-time.

When COVID-19 hit, the center had to close and cancel all elective procedures. But when it reopened in July, those next six months were the busiest in center history.

“We suppose that it’s due to COVID. We’ve seen a pretty big increase in the number of patients seeking infertility care,” said Dr. Daniel Grow, a lead physician at the center as well as the fellowship director.

From July through December there was a 30 percent increase in the number of IVF consultations compared to that time period in 2019. Fifteen percent more of those people chose to move forward with it.

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